Saturday, September 29, 2012

Soda Pop Gift "bag"

After recently having had surgery and having to lay around for 6 weeks, I've become quite addicted to Pinterest. If you can think it up, you can find it. Actually, I've found all kinds of things that I never would have thought of on my own. A lot of people have a hard time figuring out how to "pin" and create boards, but once you figure out how to maneuver the site, you will find the hours ticking by as you search and pin.

My daughters were going to their best friends birthday party tonight and I wanted to figure out a cute way to wrap the present besides just throwing it in a gift bag. I think gift bags are SO BORING! If I use a gift bag, I still try to wrap whatever I put in the bag just because I think that unwrapping a gift is fun. It doesn't take much to entertain me.

So I go to Pinterest and type "gift wrapping ideas" into the search bar. The ideas that popped up were endless, but when I saw the soda pop bottle decorated all cute, I knew it had to be "pinned"!

To begin with the craft, you need to rinse out an empty soda pop bottle (I washed mine out real well with soap and water).

Once you rinse the bottle, you will then cut a small "door" out of the back. Make sure not to cut it larger than what your label will cover (we will get to the label step soon).

After you have your trap door cut out, you will then dry the bottle out completely so the gifts don't get wet. Don't forget to dry top of the bottle and the cap. Once it is dry, you will then begin on your label. I used PrintMaster to make my label. I printed it onto photo paper and glued on a little iron on flower that I had.

You will then attach your label to the bottle. Here's where I messed up. I used my hot glue gun and the glue warped the bottle. Next time I will try Gorilla Glue or some kind of super glue. Make sure you do NOT cover up the "door" that you cut out!

After the glue dries, you can "stuff" the bottle with the gifts. I suggest adding some Easter basket grass or some other kind of "filling" in the bottom and top of the bottle. It gives it that extra little "pop!".

Once you have finished stuffing the bottle, tape the "door" closed and glue down the rest of the label. Attach a bow or some ribbon to the cap and Voila! You've got an adorable and original gift "bag"!